Good evening
- To accommodate roadway construction, the Georgetown U bikeshare station at 37th and O St NW will be removed from service on Monday morning, Oct 17. The station will be reinstalled in early November. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- The Patch picks up the GW Road rage story. "A gold Cadillac, came up going 60, 65 miles per hour, and came within two or three inches of me," recalled Rogozinski. "I kind of sat up, and my hand went up as in 'What is all this about?' He ripped by me, got in front of the group, and slammed on his brakes." It sounds eerily like the LA case where a doctor slammed on his brakes in front of a group of cyclists. I'm sorry to say that there is absolutely no sympathy in the comments on the Patch article.
- Maryland is surveying cyclists.
- DC = late 19th Century bicycling heaven
- Montgomery County's T&E Committee will hold a meeting at which DOT officials will update the Committee on its progress on bikeways and bikeshare. "the materials provided to the public in advance of the meeting suggest the likelihood of a detailed and informed discussion of the future of bikesharing in Montgomery County. The meeting is open to the public, and will be held on the 7th floor hearing room."
- Meanwhile, the second in a series of eight public subarea meetings on the Fairfax County bike plan is scheduled for Thursday October 20, at Sunrise Valley Elementary School. Visit the Meeting Schedule page for more details and directions. This one deals with the Herndon/Reston area.
- Soapstone road bike lane project starts on Monday.
- Cyclist crashes because road work made the surface unsafe for cyclists.
I had the same sort of accident on Constitution Avenue last weekend. An uneven transition between on lane and the next that I couldn't see. My injuries were of the road rash and nasty cuts variety. Two other cyclists were sitting next to the adjacent sidewalk and they had crashed exactly as I had a few minutes before. I sent a message to DDOT.
Posted by: Rootchopper | October 16, 2011 at 06:41 PM
They couldn't find another place to locate the Georgetown U. station for a few weeks?
Posted by: GMB | October 17, 2011 at 01:22 PM