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Re: Cash strapped Montgomery County

It depends on where that money is going :

All in all I'd rather see it go to Cabi.

Not quite as impressive as a tire, but there was a post on the BikeArlington forum about someone taking a car battery to the shop via bike...

With two more Clarendon stations up, CaBi is now up to 123 stations (which I think excludes the White House). That should be good enough to maintain the "largest in the US" title until NYC comes online.

I don't think that usage on the Rosslyn-Ballston corridor will really start to pick up, though, until they start installing stations more than a block off of Wilson/Clarendon Blvds. Right now, it seems good for errands/bar hopping, but it doesn't really serve to replace car trips, or to connect anyone to transit that's not already well-served.

"Not quite as impressive as a tire, but there was a post on the BikeArlington forum about someone taking a car battery to the shop via bike..."

Shameless self-promotion.

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