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The 'Partly Cross the line and Pass' is already in practice on the narrow VA roads where I live. It's most often practiced on a blind curve where the speed limit is 25 mph, but most drivers are going closer to 40 mph. Will the enactment of a law change current behavior?

@Shawn G: Nothing will change everybody, but it seems likely that at least some of these drivers would prefer to obey the law if they could do so without being inconvenienced. A "change lanes to pass" law should induce some of those drivers to change lanes so that they can comply with the law but still not have to wait behind you.

Conversely, a "partly cross the line and pass" law seems likely to induce some drivers who now
wait behind you to instead partly cross the line and pass, since that is what the law allows. Less often, but most worrisome, is that a "partly cross the line and pass" rule might even lead some drivers who now completely change lanes to stop doing so, as they learn that they don't have to.

As with the 3-foot law (or 2-foot) law, most drivers over 16 are unlikely to substantially change their behavior, but the law determines what newer drivers are taught.

I hate skaters (rollerbladers) on the road zig zaging, taking up the whole lane, making it inpossible to pass.

And then I wonder if this is how cars feels about me.

@Jim T - I hadn't thought about the legal implications that way. good point about educating new drivers with a new mode of thought.

@Kevin, roller blades are not legal on the road though, or they? Or am I missing some sarcasm here?

In DC and Virginia, skating is only allowed on streets designated for toy vehicles. In Maryland, skatse are not specifically mentioned, but they fit within the definition of a vehicle that is not a bicycle and as such are legal. Some states like NJ and NY specifically allocate skaters the same rights and responsibilitise as bicyclists.

The 3-foot buffer rule in Maryland does not apply to drivers passing skaters.

Michael Jackson has told me several times that in California, skaters have the rights and responsibilities of a pedestrian, and he construes Maryland law in that light. If he was correct, then skaters belong on the left side of the street which would not be good.

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