Good Morning. That Rock Creek Park EA might be coming later than I promised. Sorry, the weather was just too nice.
- The Arlington County BAC meeting is tonight.
- Bike advocates in Montgomery County have asked Maryland to allow cyclists to use the shoulders of the ICC. Guess what the answer was. Hint: It wasn't yes.
- Basically they argue that it would be unsafe for cyclists, cause congestion, mess up the tolling system and would require more spending for accommodations.
- As Jack Cochrane points out in the comments "New Jersey allows cyclists on the shoulders of the NJ turnpike, Garden State Parkway and certain other highways if they get a permit issued by the state."
- The link also includes the first actual photo of the ICC trail that I've seen, even though it is a dead-end.
Just a reminder to fellow cyclists: I know you want to be visible to cars, and I know that new super high-output front light is a marvel of technology, but if you can spare a moment, would you mind lowering the beam a bit when you're not on the road?
Nothing worse than being blinded by a stream of oncoming lights pointed directly into your face.
Posted by: oboe | December 05, 2011 at 10:12 AM
[Specifically on multi-use paths.]
Posted by: oboe | December 05, 2011 at 10:13 AM
Southbound MVT is bad for that after dark...get it from both bikes AND the northbound GWPkwy traffic.
Posted by: Froggie | December 05, 2011 at 07:00 PM
Was just noticing that Thursday night. I almost hit a jogger who was dressed in black, and back-lit by those awful freaking HID lights on the GW Parkway.
I've decided I'm going to be crossing at Key Bridge and riding through town on M then Pennsylvania Ave. More traffic, but at least I can see.
Posted by: oboe | December 06, 2011 at 09:26 AM
Bikes with super bright taillights are also difficult to follow on the trail. Maybe it's a tailgating deterrence system?
Posted by: Jack | December 08, 2011 at 12:54 PM