This is a good chance to talk about the proposed Patuxent River crossing for the WB&A trail.
County Executive John R. Leopold Seeks Public Input to County Pedestrian/Bicycle Master Plan Update
The last update was in 2003
Annapolis, Maryland (January 17, 2012) County Executive John R. Leopold announced today the scheduling of three listening sessions in order to hear the public's input regarding pedestrian and bicycle facilities in the County’s suburban and urbanized areas.
"Walking and bicycling are alternate modes of travel that should be encouraged and supported within our infrastructure," said Mr. Leopold. "This study focuses primarily on accommodating day-to-day transportation activities, such as walking and biking to work, school, libraries and retail shops."
The listening sessions will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the following locations:
Tuesday, January 31, 2012 Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Annapolis High School Cafeteria Arundel Mills Mall Community Room
2700 Riva Road, Annapolis7000 Arundel Mills Circle, Hanover
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Severna Park Middle School Cafeteria
450 Jumpers Hole Road, Severna Park
The Office of Planning and Zoning is working with a consultant on the study which aims to identify deficiencies in the current network of sidewalks, trails, on-road travel lanes, crosswalks, etc. and develop a systematic way to prioritize improvements as funds become available or as development occurs. The study is largely (80%) funded through a Federal transportation planning grant and it is expected to take about eighteen months to complete.
"The PBMP will help identify low cost improvements that may be executed in the short-term as well as helping to establish a realistic approach to long term planning, said Larry Tom, Director of the Office of Planning and Zoning.
The County Executive will also appoint a Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) to work with the Office of Planning and Zoning (OPZ) and project consultant to provide ongoing citizen and community perspective. Members of the public who wish to apply for an appointment to the Citizens Advisory Committee should contact the Office of Planning and Zoning, Transportation Division at 410-222-7440. CAC application forms will also be available at the listening sessions. For special accommodations please call 410-222-7440.