According to Silver Spring Trails, the new 2013-2018 budget has removed the $12M set aside for Metropolitan Branch Trail construction and ROW acquisition. Which means they'll be no work until 2018. In addition the trail has been rerouted, removing two grade-separated crossings of Georgia Avenue and East-West Highway.
The County Executive and MCDOT want to take the trail down Philadelphia Avenue across business driveways of the many small auto repair shops along the way, and across both Georgia Avenue and E-W Highway at-grade. This proposed trail route is not new. It has been proposed by MCDOT and rejected several times at public workshops, Planning Board hearings, and County Council proceedings over the past 10 years in favor of a route along the CSX corridor with a trail bridge over Georgia Avenue and a trail tunnel under Burlington Avenue (E-W Highway).
I’ve posted here about the foot dragging by MCDOT throughout the MetBranch project history. But this new threat to the project is breathtaking in its inconsistency with the hype we are hearing from the county. Just as Montgomery County tauts BikeShare as proof of its commitment to increase cycling in Silver Spring and Takoma Park, it proposes cutting the most important cycling and walking infrastructure in this area.
He makes the point that all is not lost yet, but this is nonetheless disheartening.
Update: Read the first comment for more on this
I may owe MCDOT an apology for blaming them for foot dragging. Councilmember Hans Riemer has sent me this message:
"It is indeed problematic that they are withholding funds, but the reason is that they can't get the B&O station owners to grant them right of way. I definitely agree about making a lot of noise on this and maybe we can find a solution, but we need to get the B&O nonprofit turned around."
MCDOT reoported they had a preliminary agreement for the trail to cross the historic train station property with the Montgomery County Historic Society several years ago. But the new directors have reversed their position, and oppose the trail on their property and the trail bridge obstructing the view of the B&O railroad bridge over Georgia Avenue.
Many historic train station museums aroung the county embrace having a rail-trail to focus attention on their station and the railroad. Our local historic society has gone off the tracks.
Posted by: Wayne Phyillaier | January 20, 2012 at 07:37 AM
The B&O issue has bee reported before. Riemer is correct. To be fair to the Historical Society, the plan would either require the removal of a canopy they use for events that bring in income to the organization, or route the trail through their parking, which might either impact the number of spaces or potentially cause use conflicts.
Posted by: Crickey7 | January 20, 2012 at 09:47 AM
I would think the trail would provide a major increase in visitors for them. It is an ideal trail stop/point of interest.
Posted by: Max | January 20, 2012 at 09:56 AM
I would question how much income the occasional rental of the canopy area really brings them, and how that compares with the value of having thousands of trail users visit.
Posted by: Wayne Phyillaier | January 20, 2012 at 10:00 AM
Exactly. Set up a lemonade stand or other vendor. Sponsor/generate historic cycling tours. So much potential.
Posted by: Max | January 20, 2012 at 10:13 AM
I don't know, but it's possible they are looking to the County to provide some kind of compensation/subsidy on an annual basis.
Posted by: Crickey7 | January 20, 2012 at 10:20 AM
Is there any contact info for the B&O station owners so that people can email them?
Posted by: aaa | January 20, 2012 at 11:12 AM
Eminent domain!
Posted by: Anon | January 20, 2012 at 01:24 PM
@ Eminent domain!
From Montgomery County Historic Preservation Commission “the Preservationsist” Spring 2008:
"The Silver Spring train station was preserved and restored by the non-profit group Montgomery Preservation Inc. Following an outpouring of community support to restore the station, MPI took over the title from CSX in 1998 for $1. It eventually took $500,000, raised from private donations, a state bond bill, and grants to complete renovations. A Historic Preservation grant was used to help sponsor the renovation design."
The train station restoration was possible because of the generosity of CSX, a state bond bill, and grants and donations from many sources. At the time that MPI was asking for these grants, MPI was tauting the train station as a benefit and point of interest along the future MetBranch Trail.
Now that MPI has received the public support it needed to restore the station, it has new directors and they have changed their mind about the trail. It would be a shame for the public to have to turn to eminent domain to make them keep their earlier agreements.
Posted by: Wayne Phyillaier | January 20, 2012 at 02:09 PM
Here is a link to the names of directors of Montgomery Preservation INc., owners of the B&O Station
Posted by: Dan Willett | January 20, 2012 at 03:37 PM
I think part of the ICC hiker/biker trail will pass through the Trolley Museum property. I hope it isn't a problem.
Posted by: Jack | January 20, 2012 at 03:50 PM
no shit sherlock. really?
it wont be built in my lifetime, and if it is, it won't be built to a standard that is usable and edifying.
bike advocates are social science morons...
Posted by: mr green | January 20, 2012 at 08:02 PM