Good afternoon. I once again left the morning linkdump finished on my computer at home. I can assure you it is awesome. Sorry.
- According to the East Coast Greenway "DDOT will be signing the East Coast Greenway throughout the District this year."
- DDOT has selected a new head of the Progressive Transportation Services Administration which administers Capital Bikeshare, among other things. "District Department of Transportation announced today that it had passed over interim PTSA director Aaron Overman for a total outsider: Carl Jackson, who most recently served as head of the city of Greenville, South Carolina's transportation agency."
- The state of Baltimore's trails is strong. "Extending the Jones Falls Trail 2.5 miles from the Inner Harbor to Pennsylvania Station continues on time, as does planning for the $5.9 million segment that will connect Cylburn Arboretum to Mount Washington. Within two years, the trail is expected to be 10 miles long. Also in the design pipeline is the $4.1 million Herring Run Greenway Trail that will connect Morgan State University and nine neighborhoods. Construction is expected to begin in early 2013 and conclude before the year is out." Bike commuting has also doubled over last year.
- "The report, “Active Transportation Beyond Urban Centers,” shows that in large and small “rural cores” of 2,500 to 50,000 residents, the share of total trips made on foot or by bike is only 20 percent below the rate for larger urban cores. Furthermore, when it comes to work trips, rural areas fall right in line with the national rates of biking and walking to work." The report was written by occasional Washcycle contributer Tracy Hadden Loh.
- Stealing someon's bike from a mulch bed is not burglary. It is still douchy.
I haven't gotten around to writing about the Baltimore City Trails Summit, but it was very encouraging.
There had to be at least 80 people there, and it was heartening to see "old people" as leading trails advocates rather than as opponents, as is more typical around the DC metropolitan area.
Posted by: Richard Layman | February 02, 2012 at 10:05 AM