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I like the plan overall because it adds a lot of facilities and connectivity. However, putting sidepaths on Beauregard St instead of a cycletrack continues to relegate cyclists to second-class status. On a busy arterial road, cyclists will not mix well with either cars on the street or pedestrians on the sidepath.

Furthermore, this design was arrived at by using Level of Service (LOS) as a performance measure instead of the more appropriate Person Throughput (PT). LOS measures cars, not people, and it is being applied to a street where dedicated transit lanes are being added. Alexandria is urbanizing, and the standards used by planners here need to be updated.

"Constructing a multi-use trail on the north side of Seminary Road from Fairbanks Avenue to I-395"

This part seems to be a bit of a path to nowhere. It should go at least to Dawes on the west side of 395 and the Hospital on the East side to be put to good use. (and ideally all the way from the actual Bailey's Cross roads to Janneys Lane and onto King)

(Braddock Road is OK as an east/west bicycle conduit, but is really substandard west of Quaker Lane and Bradlee center)

Jonathan: city staff have admitted at Transportation Commission meetings that the city's street design book dates from 1995. This needs to be addressed first. Furthermore, given the fight involved with just getting bike lanes on Duke Street (a fight that will not be wholly successful, BTW), cycletracks are a non-starter in the present climate. Remember...baby steps.

Important to note what a great hub this could be to build off of. It could connect Holmes Run down Beauregard/Walter Reed to W&OD and connect Skyline over 395/Seminary to Del Ray and Old Town. Seminary is a natural connection that would split the difference between the busiest bits of Duke and King streets.

These plans look like a great step forward,but I hope the bike paths will continue down to Leesburg Pile/Rt. 7 and that the intersection there will also be improved for safer bike and pedestrian crossings. Kudos to those who worked on these plans though. The bike infrastructure will be much appreciated. I also agree with the commenter who suggested an extension to Dawes.

Last night my sister was visiting DC and we rode the 15th St Cycletrack together (me on my city bike, her on CaBi). Actual quote: "Wow! This is much better than a bike lane!"

For a small investment in money and road space, cycling could be sooooo much more appealing than it is in this town.

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