Good morning
- Ward 5 D.C. Council candidate Drew Hubbard, running in the May 15 special election: "Our residents should be able to walk or to bike to wherever they want to go in the ward."
- Tommy Wells wonders if Mayor Gray's sustainability program will get the funding it needs since a program to fight bike theft can't get $50,000 transferred from DDOT to MPD. "The executive branch has been unable to give $50,000 from DDOT to MPD, so there is no bait bike program starting this spring because they can't do it," Wells says.
- A cyclist was hit in the Pennsylvania Avenue cycletrack yesterday by a car making an illegal U-turn. The cyclist was taken to the hospital and the driver was ticketed.
- The CaBi station at 16th & U St NW has been relocated 1 block south to New Hampshire & T St NW & expanded by 8 docks.
- DDOT is starting the process of replacing the 60 year old 27th Street Bridge over Broad Branch. The new bridge will have a sidewalk and maybe a bike lane. There was a meeting last night (sorry) about it.
- More images of the new bridge across Four Mile Run near East Falls Church.
- FABB is organizing a ride to Udvar-Hazy to see Space Shuttel Discovery.
- A study aims to answer the question Why don't more women serve on Bicycle Advisory Committees. "several aspects related to these particular committees might be unappealing to women, including the steep learning curve for new members, the high proportion of male members, and male members' unsupportive behavior, their tendency to dominate the floor, and their likelihood of having a technical background...the top five barriers identified by the women included lack of time, lack of qualifications, lack of specific information about the committee, family and household responsibilities, and lack of interest in politics. A number of survey respondents explicitly named the male-dominated nature of their local committee as a barrier to their involvement."
- Recollections on John Edward's bike ride with Lance Armstrong at the 2008 RAGBRAI. "Eventually, Armstrong dropped Edwards, apparently frustrated by the slow pace..."
I wonder what the Pennsylvania u-turning driver was ticketed with. Making a u-turn?
Posted by: wd | April 27, 2012 at 09:35 AM
Have they got the PA Ave pylons that they removed last fall for snow removal (over the objections of those of us who actually use the lanes) back in yet? DDOT told me they would, but that was 6 weeks ago! Every pylon helps.
Posted by: Greenbelt | April 27, 2012 at 10:25 AM
The fact that our legal system effectively writes off all the external consequences of unsafe driving as a burden to be shared socially, instead of borne by the unsafe driver, is bizarre. I wonder if they even pulled the drivers license during an investigation. Or if they did an investigation at all. Probably not.
Posted by: Greenbelt | April 27, 2012 at 10:42 AM
wd, yes. Making an illegal u-turn. They aren't allowed on Penn.
Posted by: washcycle | April 27, 2012 at 12:56 PM
But was the cyclist wearing a helmet? That's the only thing that matters.
I think there's a New Yorker cartoon in there.
As an aside, I never knew that bridge over Broad Branch had a name. I still think they made it up. I believe there's a naming opportunity here. In the spirit of the Sono Bono Park, of taking almost inconsequential public facilities and giving them the names of former Tinseltown celebrities with vague DC ties, I propose we name it the Sylvester Stallone bridge. He spent some of his teen years in a house less than a mile away.
Posted by: Crickey7 | April 27, 2012 at 01:19 PM
A nasty (verbal) interaction with a cabbie making an illegal u-turn happens on at least 20% of all my Penn Ave bicycle trips.
Posted by: Kolohe | April 27, 2012 at 03:04 PM
And how could I forget Goldie Hawn? Ben Stein (forehead slap)?
I think the entire cast of St. Elmo's Fire deserves an honorable mention at least, as the first movie that portrayed DC as a real place to live, not just as a backdrop. Emilio Estevez riding his bike through the rain! It is to weep for.
Posted by: Crickey7 | April 27, 2012 at 03:52 PM
Georgetown is real enough in the Exorcist, (and important enough to the plot to not be completely arbitrary)
Posted by: Kolohe | April 27, 2012 at 09:07 PM
Sandra Bullock grew up in Arlington. Maybe some sort of tie-in to the "Speed" movie? Shirley MacLaine and her brother Warren Beatty also attended school in Arlington. There's got to be a good bridge name in there somewhere.
Posted by: Michael H. | April 27, 2012 at 09:32 PM