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Speaking of NPS, Park Police were enforcing the one-way traffic on Ohio Dr this morning coming off the 14th St Bridge. The cyclist in front of me was going "upstream" on the little section of Ohio Dr in front of the Jefferson when he was ordered to stop by an officer on foot. The cop had a pad of tickets and a pen and looked ready to write him up a citation. As I passed, I heard the officer explaining to him about it being a one way street.

A pedestrian at the crossing at the base of 15th St by the Tidal Basin told me he'd seen the cop with another cyclist stopped a few minutes before.

Be smart. If you're going to blatantly break the traffic laws, at least make sure you're not going to hurt anyone in the process and that there are no cops watching and waiting to make an example of you.

Adaptive cycling, yay!

I'm interested to watch this tiny but growing sliver of the bike world. I think adaptive bikes are a great way to address mobility challenges at a fraction of the cost of re-engineered motor vehicles.

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