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Is there a listing of where these signs might be posted throughout the state? I live near Ellicott City/Oella and there are several streets that could use these signs, especially main street. Just curious to see when and where they will drop these signs. Also, we have a couple traffic circles that are in the area and I take the lane through the circle and between the circles because it's safer to establish my presence rather than being passed in the circle. Was there any discussion about that situation?

he's from montgomery county traffic land?

im worried. MoCo is hostile to cyclists.

they scalloped the road on the center line on river road its entire length down..like 14th street NW in dc, this is the ONLY road through that area that is sane, and with a shoulder (small at times).

the scallo0ped center line scares cars, as belted radial tires take a hit when you cross them. many MANY fucking cars har the noice and dont want to move far enough left for safety as they pass cyclists on river. this IS A PROBLEM!!! did any genius at MOCO traffic think about the effect of scalloping center lines for BIKES??

im HAPPY TO take this guy for a bike rie out there and he can experience the scariness first hand....

river road is a key bike route in MoCo, like macarthur. and MoCo seems intent on not patrolling it for speed etc., and then struturaaly making it MORE DANGEROUS FOR BICYCLISTS!!

thanks MoCo...

in other news: 14th street NW is a piece oif shit surface, mainly becasue it hosts the bus depot. it needed toi be repaved three years ago. WABA OF COURSE is clueless on when it will be resurfaced. DDOT Jim Sebastien simply doesnt answer direct questions. i love living in a functional democracy!!

14th is the ONLY i said ONLY route north through DC that is striped and fairly sane....by all means lets neglect it and allow it to go to shit.,..oh, i forgot, lets forgot 14th and build a place to SIT OUR FAT ASSES on the CCCT...

Would this apply to something like the Rt 108 scenario with the cyclist who perished outside of Olney (in between Olney and Laytonsville)?

Great piece. Thanks JimT...

In case we don't say it enough, Jim, your hard work really is appreciated.

You should have a sign named after you.

As these signs become more prevalent and drivers get use to seeing them on certain roads, I'm curious to see how drivers will react to cyclists taking the lane on a road where no sign is present.

Great work again, Jim.
Interesting to note: he gets your point. That does not mean that he agrees.

Alice is on Fire:

River Road is a state road, so the state is responsible for fixing the problems. Are these typical rumble strips, i.e. perpendicular grooves cut out of the pavement? From where to where is this problem, roughly?

Thanks to oboe, Crickey7, and SJE for your kind comments.

@Matt C: I'll have a post soon on the specific state highways but the first set will be inside (or near) the Capitol Beltway. It sounds like you are interested in local roads, so you will need to talk to Howard County. You could work through the county bike advocacy group, or approach the transportation department group, or talk to the bike-friendly politicians. Email me if you do not know who that would be.

@T: Basically, yes. Probably the yellow sign given their current approach.

@UrbanEngineer: What is the impact of bike lanes on roads without bike lanes, or share the road signs. Whatever it may be, these signs have an educational potential that may teach drivers to simply recognize that some cyclists will use full lane on narrow roads.

@SJE: He is pretty quiet. I construed a followup letter from the Administrator that we would be trying to work out some of the details, but he thinks that the guidance is final and they will make no changes regardless of any errors. I don't think there is a great need to make that distinction now, because he conceeded that a forthcoming review by MBPAC of the entire bike facilities guidelines will reopen the door for revising this guidance.

@Jack Cochrane: Can you meet Mr. Ward's challenge and idenfity any roads with 14-ft lanes plus gutter, or 22-24 feet to the curb with parking?

Well said with Tom Hicks. I had the pleasure of working with him for several years and I think you said it well: we didn't always agree, but it was always a very friendly discussion of why or why not to go a certain route. I'd always felt like he'd listened to all the points I had to offer.

As for the difference between "should" and "may"...

The MUTCD uses three basic words: shall, should, and may. "Shall" statements are mandatory unless extensive documentation and justification are provided to do otherwise. The use of "should" is more akin to "do it unless you can justify why not". The use of "may" is more informational, helping staff understand other options and akin to "do it if you can justify why".


Regarding the last part about 13-ft vs 16-ft: I agree that 16-ft lanes can pose problems with motorists treating it as two separate lanes. However, was there any discussion on whether a 16-ft lane adjacent to a parking lane would justify a marked bike lane striped w/ a door buffer or door zone markings?


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