Good afternoon
- Capital Bikeshare needs more bikes to meet rush-hour demand. Apparently, this is news. But it looks like enemy of the blog Kennedy* is doing a reason "tv" story on how Capital Bikeshare is a waste of money.
- A team from Proteus Bicycles in College Park won the Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture race.
- The world's tallest rideable bicycle. [So far 18 feet high]
- The new House transportation bill zeros out TIGER (which has yet to give bike funding to DC, but always could) and the Partnership for Sustainable Communities program.
*While studying for college exams once, nearly 20 years ago, one of my roommates started a list** on the white board entitled "people who need to die" and then filled in #20. As exams went on, we proceeded to fill the list with various celebrities and - oddly - the long dead physicist Bernouli. When only #1 was left we tried to decide on someone together, but couldn't. After giving up we turned on the TV and there was Kennedy, and we all just laughed. It was so easy.
** This became sort of a thing, with the whole list being erased and a new list started. "Reasons I should drink tonight", "People Frank hasn't made out with yet" etc... But always in spot #7 was "Whoa! Joey Lawrence". It was amazing how well it worked in every list.
So, I'd guess the private system in Miami Beach passes the smell test?
Posted by: charlie | June 06, 2012 at 04:50 PM
Kennedy from MTV?
Posted by: Shawn | June 06, 2012 at 05:34 PM
@Shawn - Kennedy from MTV. She's apparently gone libertarian looney, but, well, she'll always be Kennedy from MTV to me . . .
Posted by: MB | June 06, 2012 at 06:07 PM