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side guards for trucks.

Given that half of fatalities occur at night, mandatory lighting rules seems more useful than helmet rules.

Looking at injuries -- rather than deaths -- might be a better approach.

Are we to assume 130 bike fatalities in Ontario for that time period?

Hmmmm... Elvik [Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2011] found that helmets tend to reduce head injuries but increase neck injuries resulting in "no net protective effect." Unfortunately, the authors of this latest report seem not to have read the scientific literature and have not approached the problem in a way that would allow them to clearly obtain disagreement (or agreement) with the earlier research.

I noticed that AAA sent out some tweets encouraging bicyclists to wear helmets because they reduce injuries by 89%.. something like that. I've heard helmets give you a third better chance.. sounds more realistic and in line with your findings, right?

DC has a “one-meter” rule for vehicles when passing cyclists? That is not my experience. Yesterday, a Metro bus going 20 to 30 mph gave me a close shave. When I caught the driver to politely ask for a little more room, he replied with a finger.

Some local jurisdictions have mandatory lighting rules for cyclists. I think it's a good idea. Unfortunately, too many people are unaware of the law or they choose to ignore it. I agree that it may be more important than helmet use in avoiding injury during nighttime rides.

If I pass by someone riding at night without a light, I'll usually offer up a polite reminder that they should have a light. (I don't do this if the person looks angry or crazed or aggressive. Usually that's not the case.)

Tom, that 89% number has been widely debunked - even by the original studies own authors.

unclejed - we have 3 foot law. It is not that well known among drivers and as far as I know never enforced.

Mandatory lighting rules are not a bad idea.

So would drivers recognizing that speed limits are often a day time maximum and a reduced speed is called for at night.

The standard for a drivers should be not that they can see and avoid the Eiffel tower but they can see and avoid unlit objects.

Charlie, I think it was 129 fatalities.

The biggest problem with interpreting the data of the Ontario study is the assumption that the only difference between those wearing a helmet and those not wearing a helmet is whether or not they were wearing a helmet. This is a poor assumption.

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