Happy Independence Day
- The firefly ride this week had a large turnout, and reportedly much fun was had by all.
- A bicyclist on16th Street near Mt. Pleasant was struck by a car and seriously injured Tuesday afternoon in what police described as a hit-and-run incident.
- A woman was sexually assaulted on the Four Mile Run trail near mile 44. For whatever reason, trails seem to be a magnet for this kind of behavior - with a few incidents locally every year, but I don't know what more can be done about it.
Awful news. I think the attack took place on Four Mile Run Trail, not the W&OD. But it's not clear from this article or the ARLnow article. "Mile Marker 44" seems to indicate the W&OD. But FMRT is the more isolated and hidden of the two parallel trails.
In any case, I hope the attacker is caught soon. As for runners in the area, stay on the W&OD. That usually has more people than the FMRT. Run with a friend if possible. Self-defense classes might help, but I wouldn't rely on that completely.
Posted by: Michael H. | July 04, 2012 at 07:15 PM
With today's weather, I would choose the 4MR because of the shade. But then I am 6' guy, so I have less to fear from attackers.
Posted by: Purple Eagle | July 04, 2012 at 10:30 PM
"Mile 44" likely refers to the number on the post indicating where you are when calling 911. I don't know where that specific location is.
Posted by: I forgot | July 05, 2012 at 08:46 AM