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My photos from this morning.

Did they put the bikes in today also? None were in as of 10 am. Will head out again tomorrow. Pretty exciting stuff!


They put them in sometime today, and at least one guy was already riding them when we went for a walk down King Street late this afternoon

I passed the one at St. Asaph and Pendleton on the way home. Bikes were there.

I approve of this story.

As of Saturday morning, Sept 1, all eight stations are operational. I took a test ride this morning and rode around Old Town. The riding is very easy since this part of the city is fairly flat. If you're going to ride around Old Town, I would avoid King Street and take one of the parallel streets such as Prince or Cameron since the traffic isn't as heavy on these streets.

Wow, they really jobbed out yesterday, putting in the last three and the bikes for all eight.

A recommendation for Old Town is the new Jones Point Park. 20 commemorative markers document the history there. You wouldn't think 20 would be needed, but a lot of different things took place here.

Also, there's a public bathroom and water fountain underneath the bridge.

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