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bullshit on this being a "reasonable sentence." compared to what?

is it reasonable the dc jailed is filled with poor unedcuated black men?.. pleeeeeezzzze....

explain your reasoning here. please dont use the toxic judicial system as your guide...

this woman deserves to serve her DEMOCRATIC nation through service for a long period to try and make amends for what she did...it was not intentional, and then she panicked.

i can think of many good examples of pentinence she should undertake, for years -- but JAIL? why? this culture is ass-backward moronic and medieval...retributive punishment -- which is what her sentence is -- is simply barbaric at this stage of human development...

what theory of human responsibility is at work here?...cause the idiots in the stste attorneys have no clue (go to harvards center for law and the brain, to begin to get a clue...)

i cant wait to see how the corrections "department" will "correct" her...

Has anybody mentioned whether or not Littleford's drivers license has been permanently revoked? It seems abundantly clear to me she should never be allowed behind the wheel again, but I'm pessimistic given the lack of an explicit mention of this in the article, and given how insanely hard it is to lose your license in the U.S.

I agree with Sarah. People who kill while driving should be banned from driving for life. Driving a motor vehicle is a privilege, not a right, and if you do it so badly that you kill someone, the privilege should be revoked.

Mike, well, retributive punishment is certainly one part of it. But there is also the deterrence element to it - others will be dissuaded from behaving the same way - and the rehabilitation. The idea would be that jail would cause her to be a more cautious driver in the future.

I agree that we need massive prison and corrections reform. But that isn't a reason to not follow the laws we currently have.

Also, I'm giving you a warning now. It's time to cut out the profanity. It's time to stop using multiple aliases. Choose one name and stick with it. I won't warn you again. I'll just start deleting your comments.

I expected a suspended sentence. One year in jail is a pleasant surprise. I'd like if her community service could be converted into hours of supervised riding a bike in traffic. That will reform her understanding of things more than a year shuffling around a jail.

The screwy thing? She's being punished for leaving the scene in about the most horrific unreasonable way possible with the bike wedged and dragged under her car. Can you imagine the impact and the noise of that? Yet she kept driving. Meanwhile, we all get stuck in traffic when two dummies have a fender bender in broad daylight with injury or damage, but in that case they're happy to sit in the middle of the road waiting for the CSI to show up I suppose.

Maybe the consistent thread in those two extremes is our concern more for property than life. That's messed up.

edit: withOUT injury or damage.

+1 Sarah Hagstrom. Fines and confinement is secondary. Ms Littleford has proven herself incapable of driving, in the worst way possible. The system needs to first guarantee she never gets behind the wheel again.

License revocation could have been part of the terms of a plea agreement but there was no plea. There is a separate civil law under which MVA may choose to revoke a license, but I have not really studied the matter.

If someone has a few hours to look into this, please drop me a line and I help can get you started. Press credentials would probably help, I am looking into whether MDOT recognizes Patch as the press.

Another "thought I hit a deer."


When this first happened, there was speculation that perhaps she had not been the one driving. Anything further on that?

I haven't heard anything about it. But I think she was at a friend's house until early that morning, and that the friend can verify that.

I've actually come to believe her story, though I suspect she's leaving something out - like how she never saw Pettigrew. But I wouldn't say I 100% believe her. I'd put the odds slightly above even that she thought she hit a deer and didn't realize that she hadn't until she saw the bike. But I wouldn't be too surprised if she knew she hit someone, freaked out and then later came to her senses and started trying to contact the police. But there is no evidence of the latter.

Still, we can't allow that to be an acceptable response. It creates a moral hazard if we let people - even ones who are being honest - get away with a hit and run because they thought they hit a deer. We need to get the word out that when you think you hit a deer, you have an obligation to get 100% confirmation of that before going on your way.

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