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Nah, it's a story of how even the most liberal progressive people become law&order Nixonian Giulianiesque tough on crime conservatives when it's their pet issue.

there are two elements to buffered lanes, buffer from the traffic lanes, buffer from the parking/dooring zone.

I think I'd rather have the latter myself, which isn't the way it works in the example from Arlington.

There will be both in the Arlington design - in the photo you can see the layout for the hatch markings keeping cyclists away from the cars. It will be more obvious once it's complete.

i can't wait to see the image... thx.

Nah, it's a story of how even the most liberal progressive people become law&order Nixonian Giulianiesque tough on crime conservatives when it's their pet issue.

Wait. What "pet issue" you talking about? Sexual assaults?

Yes. Just like in some other forums, motor vehicle infractions, minor and major, get everyone's dander up.

But, to be clear, I'm not a liberal progressive; they can castrate the mofo as far as I'm concerned.

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