So it seems when the Florida Area Market study came out back in 2009 that I failed to mention it here on the blog. There's not much new in here. Basically it takes the position that the DDOT Bicycle Master Plan should be followed. Beyond that it suggests good connections to the Metropolitan Branch Trail, which runs just west of the site, and a SmartBike station (though I'm sure CaBi will do).
Here are the relevant parts
- The study recommends reopening 3rd Street north of Florida Avenue, but that really only helps you if you're going to the market itself.
- "Support linkages to the Metropolitan Branch Trail for cyclist with bikeways throughout the development area."
- "Work with private sector to install a Smartbike location in this area."
- "The Metropolitan Branch Trail that runs along the railroad tracks from Union Station should connect over to the market area, offering a significant bicycle connection to the site. Bicyclists can also come from Sixth Street, a major bicycle route being planned by the District Department of Transportation."
It would be nice if it were more explicit about how to connect to the Met Branch Trail. It will almost surely use the Florida Avenue underpass, but not sure how that will look. There's a plan to put a trail on the north side of New York Avenue, and a trail connection between that, and under the NY Ave bridge could connect right into an extended 3rd Street and the market. That would have been a nice thing to include.
I guess it's a lesson in how easy it is to get things that are in the bike plan, but how hard it is to get things that aren't.