From last week. Some of the links were OBE so they're not included.
- Portland's airport has a bike assembly area.
- SEPTA is reluctant to turn a disused railroad line over to trail users for fear they'll never give it back; which is why efforts to "Save the Trail" from railroad reconversion actually harms trails.
- Lance Armstrong will compete in the Half Full Triathlon on Oct. 7 in Columbia, MD. But he can only do it if the race is unsanctioned.
- Construction will begin along the NW Branch Trail between Route 1 and 38th Street
Perhaps things will get worse, but the NW Branch Trail was passable this morning. There were 3 trucks on the trail when I went past but you could just hop on to the grass to pass them. It looks like they are working on the embankment rather than the trail surface, so hopefully it will remain a minor inconvenience.
Posted by: bajin | September 25, 2012 at 09:16 AM
NW Branch Trail was closed from the skatepark to the little bridge as of 10am this morning. Not sure what the alternative are yet. That'll be great fun tonight after dark.
Posted by: Greenbelt | September 25, 2012 at 10:40 AM
If it's only that little section closed then, heading east, you could go left just before the soccer field to come out on Rhode Island the other side of the skate park. However, that road (41st Pl, I think) is very poorly paved and not good at all on a road bike.
With the other sections of the NE Branch Trail being closed, I have taken to just cutting them out entirely by taking 38th Ave -> Jefferson St -> Baltimore Ave. Then rejoining the trail at Riverdale Rd. The main problem in finding alternative routes is getting across the train tracks.
Posted by: bajin | September 25, 2012 at 11:48 AM
The NW Branch was passable but rough when I went through at about 7:30pm.
Posted by: Greenbelt | September 25, 2012 at 09:26 PM