Happy Birthday to CaBi
- Yesterday DDOT painted the bike lanes on Eye Street SW green. Ironically these are the same ones that would be removed in the cycletracks on M street alternative.
- A pilot program that makes CaBi bikes available to the homeless, has been going well. "he ten riders have embraced their memberships and have been using the bikes avidly. Taylor said he uses the bikes every day and has tallied 97.53 miles. Dave Withers, 53 , is the program’s top rider with 136.55 miles and owns the distinction of renting a bike 246 times in one month....“People are super excited to use the Bikeshare so we do have plans to expand to an additional ten member in our program,” said Gates. Members use the bikes to reach a variety of destinations such as stores, 12-step recovery meetings, potential job interviews, appointments and school classes. "
- BicycleSpace received an award from Bicycle Retailer & Industry News as one of the Top 100 bike shops in USA.
- The theft of a bicycle in Bethesda leads to a lot of thoughts about the police, security, crime and - oddly - speed cameras. I know what this guy wants, but I'm not sure how he expects to get there. The only way I know how to live in a neighborhood in the DC area where you can leave your bike on the front porch and not have it stolen is to be stationed at Ft. Myer.
- Young people are buying fewer cars than their parents did. "30% of Baby Boomers considered themselves "car enthusiasts," said Bluhm, buying showcase vehicles like the Camaro, Corvette or Jeep. Less than 15% of Gen-Yers say the same, and they're flocking to more practical models."
I can't help but wonder if all the expense of tech equipment doesn't also play a role. ISP fees, software costs, laptops, tablets, smartphones are all heavily consumed by young adults. All that technology sucks up $$$ that could be used to pay for car insurance which ain't cheap.
Posted by: rootchopper | September 20, 2012 at 09:07 AM
I hope that in the furture bikeshare will be open to the public.
Posted by: david | September 20, 2012 at 09:26 AM
Re bike theft in Bethesda:
People leave bikes unlocked outside in my Rockville neighborhood all the time - on front porches and in front yards, at the stores, at parks, and at the pool. I personally don't do this though - I only leave my bike unlocked when it will remain in my eyesight - because I don't trust people.
Also, what is the guy's hangup with the note pad? The cop used a note pad because in many circumstances it's easier to take notes that way than to screw around with a tablet or laptop or whatever.
He sounds more than a bit loony when he says that he doesn't want the bike back now that its purity has been sullied. "You've been riding with someone else. I can't be with you anymore."
Posted by: NeilB | September 20, 2012 at 09:50 AM
I think there are a couple of reasons for the decline in car ownership, but among them is that cars now are like appliances. You get in, they work, and that's kind of it. They even come in something like 2 colors now, black and silver. And if there's no emotional connection, then you're not bothered by car-sharing, or even gong without for a while.
Posted by: Crikey7 | September 20, 2012 at 10:11 AM
The pilot program for homeless to use CaBi sounds fantastic. Even as compact as our city is, transportation is a major hurdle for folks to get to medical appointments, housing appointments, etc. Bravo. Let's hope it continues to be successful.
I'm Gen-X and still managed to defer buying a car until my early 30s. I'd also say it continues to be regional. Friends and colleagues in San Diego were astounded that I managed to get around using public transportation.
Posted by: Tara | September 20, 2012 at 10:18 AM
Bike theft article, strange.
I too live in Bethesda/Chevy Chase and had my bike stolen. Recovered by MCPD after I found it on craigslist and they used 'technology' to text with the thief, even to get pictures from the guy to confirm ahead of time. They were highly helpful, more so than I would have thought. Lesson: if stolen, look on clist.
Mine was cable-locked. Won't make that mistake again. Unless I'm within 10 ft it has a mini-U on it.
Posted by: D | September 20, 2012 at 10:57 AM
You linked to yfrog.com, which has pop-up video advertisements which have their volume turned ON by default. Bad washcycle, bad.
Posted by: Foo | September 20, 2012 at 04:54 PM
satan, is that you?
Posted by: Cyclist | September 20, 2012 at 10:50 PM