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If anyone wants to help marshal, let me know. We have openings for marshals for the full ride (be there at 7:45!) and for the kids ride (sleep in, you lazy people - be there at 10a).

Mark, I shot you an email Tuesday, but not 100% sure I had the right address. I can marshal the full ride if you are still looking for help. Just let me know if I need to do anything, other than show up at 745.

Just dropped an email to all volunteers that I'm aware of. If you didn't get one, and still want to help, let me know.

I bet Oct. 6th is the single busiest cycling day in the mid-Atlantic. I can think of probably a half-dozen large events off the top of my head. If I wasn't already doing the Tour of Richmond, I'd volunteer to help with the Arlington ride...so many rides, so little time!

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