Happy Halloween
- LAB released their Fall 2012 list of Bicylce Friendly Businesses. Local entries include Bethesda Urban Partnership, Capitol Hill Bikes, Environmental and Energy Study Instititute (EESI) (Washington, DC), MEPT Courthouse Tower LLC c/o Lincoln Property Co (Arlington), SRA International, Inc. (Arlington) and Winrock International (Arlington) - all Bronze; and Honorable Mention winners American Center for Physics (College Park) and Kittelson & Associates, Inc. - Reston.
- The DC BAC is requesting information on the delayed Met Branch Bridge to the Rhode Island Avenue Metro.
- In addition to U-turns across the Penn Ave cycletrack, one must look out for what my oldest would excitedly call a "digger".
- BicycleSpace is organizing an advocacy group called the Assembly which will attempt to 'devise and organize "Street Actions"-- focused efforts meant to inspire and involve people.' The Pennsylvania Avenue "no u-turn" ride is an example of what they have in mind.
- Speaking of Pennsylvania Avenue, WABA references the downgrade of that project in their action alert about L Street.
- Two more robberies on the Met Branch Trail this month "3:06 p.m. Oct. 20. Two males walking on a bike trail approached a man working on a bicycle, then robbed him of the bike and a cellphone at gunpoint." and "Oct. 19. Two pedestrians approached a bicyclist at the entrance to a bike trail, knocked her from the bike and robbed her of a laptop computer, a fanny pack and the bike. No serious injuries were reported."
- I'm sorry, but no, Chicago and New York are not better biking cities than DC. [I can't speak for San Francisco]
- The Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority has announced proposed safety changes to the W&OD Trail. See list of changes below
Belmont Ridge Road
• Relocate or eliminate parking area on the northwest and northeast corners. This work has been completed.
• Add actuated rectangular rapid flash beacons to alert motorists to the presence of a trail user.
• Trim vegetation to improve sight lines. Work completed by NVRPA and VDOT
• Consider construction of a 12 foot wide crossing island to create a refuge and to traffic calm the crossing.
• Consider in the long term grade separation as the ideal improvement.
• Relocate or eliminate parking area on the northwest and northeast corners. This work has been completed.
• Add actuated rectangular rapid flash beacons to alert motorists to the presence of a trail user.
• Trim vegetation to improve sight lines. Work completed by NVRPA and VDOT
• Consider construction of a 12 foot wide crossing island to create a refuge and to traffic calm the crossing.
• Consider in the long term grade separation as the ideal improvement.
Sterling Boulevard
• NVRPA and VDOT are working together to consider reducing the length of the northbound deceleration/left turn lane on Sterling Boulevard to expand median refuge.
• Consider the addition of actuated rectangular rapid flash beacons to alert motorists to the presence of a trail user, based on results from Belmont Ridge Road.
• NVRPA to work with VDOT and Loudoun County to expand the sidewalk network along Sterling Boulevard.
• NVRPA and VDOT are working together to consider reducing the length of the northbound deceleration/left turn lane on Sterling Boulevard to expand median refuge.
• Consider the addition of actuated rectangular rapid flash beacons to alert motorists to the presence of a trail user, based on results from Belmont Ridge Road.
• NVRPA to work with VDOT and Loudoun County to expand the sidewalk network along Sterling Boulevard.
Wiehle Avenue
• NVRPA and Fairfax County to work together to identify short term improvements to include: improved roadway markings, additional signage and potential lane width improvements.
• Consideration to widen the median refuge.
• Consider alternate signal timing to reduce conflict with trail crossing.
• NVRPA and Fairfax County to work together to identify short term improvements to include: improved roadway markings, additional signage and potential lane width improvements.
• Consideration to widen the median refuge.
• Consider alternate signal timing to reduce conflict with trail crossing.
Hunter Mill Road
• NVRPA and VDOT to address vegetation and terrain issues that affect sight line distance.
• Consider replacing advanced trail crossing flashing beacon with Actuated Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons.
• NVRPA and VDOT to address vegetation and terrain issues that affect sight line distance.
• Consider replacing advanced trail crossing flashing beacon with Actuated Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons.
Lee Highway (Route 29)
• NVRPA to realign trail approaches to orient better to the crossing for trail users and motorists.
• NVRPA to work with Arlington County to consider adjusting signal timing and phasing.
• NVRPA to work with Arlington County to consider turn lane options, such as relocating or adding additional signage.
• NVRPA to realign trail approaches to orient better to the crossing for trail users and motorists.
• NVRPA to work with Arlington County to consider adjusting signal timing and phasing.
• NVRPA to work with Arlington County to consider turn lane options, such as relocating or adding additional signage.
Columbia Pike:
• The trail approaches will be realigned to intersect at a better angle to the roadway.
• NVRPA to work with Arlington County to consider adjusting signal timing and phasing.
• The trail approaches will be realigned to intersect at a better angle to the roadway.
• NVRPA to work with Arlington County to consider adjusting signal timing and phasing.
Yeah, I can't even fathom why DC isn't on the list of best cycling cities. Even an amazing city like Vancouver, which almost certainly deserves its spot, is only marginally better than DC. Because of the influx of money from the Olympics and a history of being progressive (like most shitty-weathered Pacific coast cities seem to be...), it has gotten some new scenic trails and the government has been more willing to experiment with bike lanes and cycletracks, but the amount of on-street infrastructure might actually be less than what DC has. It also has mandatory helmet laws and no bikeshare.
I can see cycling as a convenient way to get around NYC or Chicago, but I can't imagine it being very enjoyable, particularly in an "Outside Magazine" kind of way...In DC, it's both.
Posted by: MM | October 31, 2012 at 04:13 PM
"The Assembly?" Sounds like an evil cabal bent on world domination that James Bond is sent to infiltrate and stop their nefarious plans.
Posted by: Q | November 01, 2012 at 09:06 AM
They meet at a secret location - called the Meadows - and it's members include Ted Turner, Donald Trump and Colonel Sanders. How I hate him with his beady little eyes "oh you're going to love my chicken..."
Posted by: washcycle | November 01, 2012 at 09:17 AM
I'm glad about the L st track. However:
1. DC should move to free weekend/evening parking on the right side
2. Bike lane was NOT a good idea from 26th to New Hampshire. That is now a real mess.
3. It is going to be interesting to see how well the left turns and bike lanes work.
Posted by: charlie | November 01, 2012 at 04:13 PM
The Assembly sounds like a name for a spiked-hair 80s New Wave band.
Posted by: Michael H. | November 01, 2012 at 11:08 PM
I'm not sure I agree with DC being better then NYC. A few points:
* Trails with limited road crossings.
* Parks closed to traffic with circular route.
* ~100 miles of car lanes converted to buffered bike lanes or cycle tracks.
While some of this sounds more recreational then transportational but my assertion is kids and grownups need places to get their bike legs before venturing off in bicycling transportation mode.
Posted by: Barry Childress | November 02, 2012 at 04:19 PM