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City Paper's Best Local Bike Blog 2009
A sad item from CT, again showing just how much potential was lost on Friday:
"Chase Kowalski, 7, student
Chase Kowalski was always outside, playing in the backyard, riding his bicycle. Just last week, he was visiting neighbour Kevin Grimes, telling him about completing — and winning — his first mini-triathlon."
Posted by: Michael H. | December 18, 2012 at 04:35 AM
Help me understand the photo. I get the concept of the bike box, but was is there one rider behind the other three on what would be the left side of the road?? Is this because they just haven't put the cycletrack in yet or they want riders on that side of the road given it's a one way street??
Posted by: T | December 18, 2012 at 11:54 AM
That's a sharrow symbol. The cycletrack ends a block earlier. There's a sharrow symbol at 12th street to indicate to drivers and cyclists that the cycletrack has ended and they are to share the lane. The sharrow symbol pictured helps provide a proper path for the cyclists so that they and the drivers both know where they ought to be if riding in that lane.
Posted by: UrbanEngineer | December 18, 2012 at 01:20 PM
So many symbols. So little time.
Posted by: Brendan | December 18, 2012 at 05:08 PM