Good morning
- New Anacostia Bridge, with it's 16 foot wide bike/ped path, gets closer to completion.
- Speed limits to be raised, not just on highways, but on streets that people bike on and walk along.
- Transportation Nation on the CaBi expansion.
- Bike Karaoke, proving that everything is better on a bicycle?
- Richard Layman on the Western Baltimore County Bike and Ped plan: "So in 2.5 years, or just over 3 years from the time I started, not only was the plan adopted but legislation based on it was passed within a few months of the plan's submission, and began being implemented more than one year before the plan was adopted. This is half the time that was required for the Eastern Plan."
- Bicycles, they aren't just for importing anymore.
- Take the 2 Mile Challenge again, this time to help the League of American Bicyclists.
- You heard it hear first: Smorn. It is not smurf porn or a corn-based s'more.
Raising the speed limit on Bladensburg road near the Arboretum is a poor idea in my opinion. That road got a bit overbuild recently, but it's still an important access road for bikes in that area and getting to the Arboretum itself. Bike lanes and slower speeds would be better in my opinion.
Posted by: Greenbelt | December 19, 2012 at 10:22 AM
Agreed on Bladensburg, though there's a fix for the stretch south of New York Avenue that could be done that would be more beneficial for cyclists - truly making West Virginia Avenue (which is essentially flat due to being the site of an old rail line) cycle-friendly.
The Trinidad Neighborhood Association has been trying to get the conversation moving forward on that.
In my perfect world, a cycletrack (or at least bike lanes) on West Virginia Avenue would run from K Street north to the no-name circle where NY/MT/WV Aves come together. From there, something would need to be done to get cyclists safely to Bladensburg Avenue (using an off-road trail parallel to the tracks, perhaps?) I'm working up a plan...
Posted by: IMGoph | December 19, 2012 at 10:34 AM
I commute on Bladensburg, so I don't welcome the faster speed, but then I don't think anyway noted the speed limit anyway
Posted by: washcycle | December 19, 2012 at 10:47 AM
I contributed to that sure. But it wasn't just me and being "all that." As some of the citations in the post to other key elements make clear.
Posted by: Richard Layman | December 19, 2012 at 12:51 PM