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Maybe cyclists should flood NBC4 with footage of motorists rolling through reds. The footage is easy to generate, just wait at a corner where people turn right. It's rare to see someone do the requisite stop before proceeding through unless there is a clear and obvious chance of collision.

Biased, lazy reporting. And Adam is someone whom I've liked and followed on WTOP. It's biased and lazy because it starts from the premise that people are upset and concerned about more bicyclists on the streets. These people are never identified. Michael is right, vehicles are worse. I ride my bike, including commuting nearly every day. And every day I encounter idiot cars on the streets who put my life in danger. And let's just stop all this nonsense about bicycles needing to follow all the same rules, all the time, everywhere. Forget it. And WABA and other bicycle advocates should just say so. Its called common sense. Pedestrians make judgments every day about when and where to cross the street. If no one is around, I'm going through the red light. It's called an Idaho stop. As our streets get more crowded with bikes and pedestrians we just all need to think and share the road.

I may think this is a lazy article, but I'm not going to buy into the argument that we cyclists have any kind of special dispensation to choose which traffic laws to obey. That's simply not true.

That fact that no class of road users achieves full compliance does not mean it's nonsense to say that cyclists need to follow all the traffic laws all the time. "He did it, too" stopped being an adequate argument a long time ago. And you'd be surprised at the number of long-time bike commuters who manage to comply with the traffic laws, if not all the time, pretty close.

Good heavens. What a stupid report. Just go to the GW Parkway south of Old Town during the evening rush. 95 % of the cars on the parkway set off the electronic sign that monitors speeding. Drive the beltway at 55 if you dare.
I am very concerned about this. I think until these drivers can comply with the laws we should get rid of these roads. They are a menace.

I could gather plenty of photos of folks running reds at GW & Abingdon, GW & Slaters, Constitution and 15th, shoot, basically every intersection. I can even get photos of Metro buses horribly running reds or blocking the box. But NBC4 won't care.

In fairness, I did observe a kamakazee cyclist this morning crossing M at 15th (southbound). The light had turned red maybe 5 seconds ago and she just blazed right through nearly getting hit by 2 different cars. It was embarassing to watch and part of me thought Darwin's Law may actually help this situation since one small collision should teach a lesson, but I wouldn't actually root for anyone to be hurt. Either way, running a red because of a turn lane signal the other way or just turned is a lot different than running a red with cars clearly proceeding through the intersection toward you.

Alas, it proves my continued belief that there are stupid people in all walks of life.

@T - To be fair, the local news did care when it was Metrobus drivers. It's a big deal when it's anyone but single-occupant-vehicle drivers breaking the law.


I'm not going to buy into the argument that we cyclists have any kind of special dispensation to choose which traffic laws to obey

Well, that's not really the point here. The point is that, for really no reason whatsoever, they singled out cyclists. It would be like a story about how many black people do drugs, and how some people are concerned about black people in their neighborhood who use drugs.

That fact that no class of road users achieves full compliance does not mean it's nonsense to say that cyclists need to follow all the traffic laws all the time.

No, but it's a relevant fact nonetheless. It helps to keep expectations in line. Even if you think that everyone should follow every law all the time, it's important to recognize that they won't.

"He did it, too" stopped being an adequate argument a long time ago.

Perhaps, but it is relevant when singling people out.

They ran b-roll footage of the U-turning Penn Ave Vehicular Scofflaws a few months ago

(I think there was one on WTOP which showed even more; maybe they just rehosted a blogger's video though)

to be fair, Adam Tuss did hint in a tweet that there'd also be stories on drivers doing the same thing. Whether he was serious or not is anyone's guess.

And WABA and other bicycle advocates should just say so.

Accidently let my WABA membership lapse,but renewed it today. Every other time,I did it without hesitation,but today I really had to stop and think for a minute about spending the money. I really do get tired of hearing advocates apologizing for the conduct of cyclists. Ok,we're not perfect,but WE'RE NOT KILLING PEOPLE. Last time a cyclist killed a ped was back in '09. In 2011 there were more traffic fatalities than homicides,and all of them caused by motor vehicles. We were also the lowest segment of deaths,so we can't really be behaving all that badly. The cars are doing the killing and maiming,they're the ones that need to change their behavior.

+1 on being uncomfortable with WABA spending more time lecturing cyclists than motorists

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