Tough day for biking out there, but then, it sounds like it was no picnic driving either.
- This is no knock on Obama, but most of the progress in the region's bike-friendliness and mode-share uptick would have likely occurred under McCain. think that the McCain administration would have denied Arlington/DC's use of CMAQ funding to pay for Capital Bikeshare. Biking in the area boomed during the Bush years too.
- More from State Sen. Wagner on the anti-dooring law "It's establishing you're guilty for opening your car door whether you're guilty or not." No, that's not how the law work. If you fail to use due care, then it does kind of establish that you're guilty. But of course, a court will decide what is due care - and thus guilt. It is, however, correct to say that the current law establishes that you're not guilty, whether you're guilty or not - since opening a car door into someone without looking isn't a crime.
- Salisbury, MD has agreed to let mountain bikers maintain park trails. "The trails would not be what people imagine for mountain biking or stunts." This follows the passing of a bike lane ordinance last summer.
- This is a surprisingly good article on the quiet car initiative conclusions.
- A doctor who, in an act of civil disobedience, tried to block the removal of a bike lane was sentenced to community service. He'll be doing it with Cycle Toronto.
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