Good afternoon
- After a man sees his stolen bike on the front of a bus, he puts his bike on with it and rides a stop. He gets off and attempts to take both bikes off. But then a man who presumably put that first bike on the bus, jumped off, attacked him and rode away with the new bike.
- More on the WABA app (it also has a flashlight) "The program was developed by Apps and Apples, an Indian company that WABA discovered after noticing a personal-injury lawyer's smartphone app. "Because in the event of a bike crash we want to collect the same kind of information a personal-injury attorney would want," WABA's communication coordinator Alex Baca writes." And here too.
- Sen. Peterson of Virginia on the dooring law: The bill passed in part because “Senate Democrats stayed in peloton formation to support me . . . It now moves on to the Pyrenees, i.e. the House Transportation Committee.”
- "We doubt that the first couple noticed as they walked, but bike lanes down the middle of America’s Main Street are one indication that this city takes bicycling seriously."
- More on the congestion pricing scenarios. And the Cato institute agrees with Earl Blumenauer about the need for a VMT to fund roads (that won't happen often). Still, if you think they're all buddy buddy "The Oregon representative obviously hopes vehicle-mile fees will help close the gap, allowing him and his colleagues to continue funneling billions of dollars into rail transit and other forms of travel that are actually pretty obsolete."
The man who thought he saw his stolen bike on a bus rack should have put his lock on both bikes and called the police.
One has to be careful that the bike you think is yours is in fact your stolen bike. They make many of the same model and color. I know an instances where a group of bikers thinking they were retrieving a friends stolen bike after getting the bike by force taking it to the person who's bike was stolen find that it was not his bike after all but merely the same model and color.
Posted by: david | January 23, 2013 at 07:27 PM