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Thanks for a good review of the CCT issues in the staff report.
The Purple Line looks good on the drawing board, but may die there this spring if the Maryland legislature does not find finding for the Transportation Trust Fund during this session. Plans for the CCT extension into Silver Spring will end along with the Purple Line. That nice aerial structure you see in the sketches bringing the CCT across Colesville Road is inside CSX right-of-way, and CSX will not allow the trail to come through their right-of-way as a stand-alone project.
So, like it or not the future of the CCT in Silver Spring, and the "bicycle beltway", is tied to the Purple Line.

I love the renderings, but this will go down like the Silver Spring transit center fiasco....Big Dig writ small

I know that the conventional thinking is that the CCT won't be improved until the Purple Line is built, but I want to propose that we rethink this. Are we REALLY going to get the PL? If not, lets focus on the current desirability of improving the CCT, for a tiny fraction of the PL cost. Do we need to wait for another 20 years?

Are we REALLY going to get the PL? If not, lets focus on the current desirability of improving the CCT

That's a good plan B. But plan A is to get the PL.

And just what is "plan B" if we don't get the Purple Line? Yes, we might eventually get the existing trail paved, IF MoCo ultimately gives up on the idea of ever transit in the corridor including Bus Rapid Transit.

But no one has any credible plan to extend the trail into Silver Spring, because of the very hard problem of getting essential CSX r.o.w.
The best we can do is make some improvements to the existing on-road route into downtown Silver Spring.

I challenge anyone to show us how to extend the trail into downtown S.S. as an off-road trail, without using CSX r.o.w. in several places. And I can show several attempts from MoCo to get CSX to discuss r.o.w. in this area, with no success. CSX is being very difficult for the MTA Purple Line planners on this issue, and they have much more leverage with CSX than MoCo ever will. CSX needs approvals from the state for several of their "wish list" projects like expanding their Brunswick Line.

I don't think the state will take CSX on for r.o.w. for the CCT as a stand-alone trail. And MoCo just doesn't have any leverage it can use. I'd like to be wrong on this, but everything I've seen about the CCT, MBT and Purple Line projects in the CSX corridor in the last 15 years brings me to this conclusion.

Without the Purple Line, true trail connectivity with SS, CC and Bethesda won't happen. BikeShare in MontCo has no synergy without it.

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