At the December 2012, Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee(MBPAC) meeting, the MBPAC unanimously voted to
commend MDOT for agreeing to use Maryland Bikeways program dollars to fund an analysis of the alignment choices for a planned extension of the WB&A Trail across the Patuxent River between Anne Arundel and Prince George’s County. The motion was unanimously approved.
In other area biking news,
- The University of Maryland at College Park is planning to develop a GIS system for bicycle racks in order to ensure sufficient provision of bike parking facilities, getting quotes for the installation of shared lane pavement markings (sharrows) along campus roadways, and working on bicycle helmet giveaways. Two non-credit bicycle safety classes have been approved by the school administration and a bike lease program for students has being developed. The lease program included bike lights-with a slogan “Bikes Be Bright” - and air pumps. Their various bicycling initiatives are branded as “Bike UMD”.
- A bicycle rider was ticketed by a law enforcement officer in Southern Maryland for riding two abreast on the roadway after receiving complaints that bicyclists were riding two abreast and blocking motor vehicles from passing them. The ticketed bike rider stated that at the time she received the ticket, no motor vehicles were behind her. She went to court and the judge dismissed the ticket. However the MBPAC discussed whether bicyclists may ride two abreast in locations where a single bicyclist may ride in the middle of the lane, thus effectively blocking approaching motorists from passing in that lane
FWIW, I think UM would be doing its students a greater service by giving away rear racks and folding baskets then by giving them helmets. For once (outside of B2WD) it would be nice to see someone in authority focus on effectiveness instead of danger.
Posted by: Jonathan Krall | February 26, 2013 at 10:48 AM