DDOT announced at the January BAC meeting that they are in the process of securing a staging area that should help with the Rhode Island Avenue Bridge project.The lack of a staging area has been part of the cause of this project's delay.
Though DDOT solicited bids for construction of this in November 2011, but they had to cancel that because there was only one bid and it was too high.
At the same meeting, DDOT stated that they were working on an agreement with NPS on continuing the trail to Takoma across parkland. They're also working with CUA and developers to complete the trail gap from Monroe Street to the CUA Metro station entrance.
Where is all of that grass supposed to be? Alongside the trail? And where are the new apartments looming over the platform on the east side of the tracks? Has the artist ever visited the site?
Seriously though, nice to hear that there is progress on several fronts for the Met Branch
Posted by: Purple Eagle | February 01, 2013 at 12:22 PM
I don't exactly know what this means for the status of the project, still. Once they secure the staging area, they'll re-bid it, and cross our fingers someone can do it on the cheap? They have a builder and just need the staging area to get started? Seriously, this was supposed to be OPEN more than 6 months ago, and not a single grain of dirt has yet been moved towards construction!
Posted by: Ms. D | February 01, 2013 at 12:48 PM