Forgot to mention that one of the super bowl commercials - the one with the kid who goes stag to the prom and then, powered by the confidence his dad's car gave him, kissed the prom queen - featured Corinne Bohrer star of the bike messenger TV Show "Double Rush". If his dad had just given him his Bianchi, the kid would have kissed the prom queen and NOT have been punched in the face.
- Sigh, this came up in the comments last week. Just because 14th Street has the most bicycle crashes doesn't mean that it is the most dangerous street in DC for cyclists. It is likely due to the fact that 14th Street has a bunch of cyclists. It is the crashiest street in DC. WTOP doesn't seem to understand that. The SE/SW Freeway is probably more dangerous.
- On Meet the Press this week, new White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough admitted tha Obama ordered him to stop biking to work.
- The Alexandria City Council will re-vote on the city's Waterfront Plan to put an end to a lawsuit that threatens to delay it. "The city envisions a comprehensive plan that would unify the multiple parks, parking lots, two marinas, boat club, residences and [Mt Vernon] bike trail, as well as address the area’s persistent flooding. Outside the boundaries of the waterfront plan, but still along the waterfront, are high-rise hotels, office buildings and a now-abandoned power plant.
- Cycle MoCo: "The Maryland legislature is considering House Bill 445 which would strengthen the flawed “three foot” law enacted last year."
- How did Doug Landau become WTOP's interviewee for their bike legislation story? Landau, it appears, supports the helmet legislation because cyclists sometimes have head injuries. But he's more neutral on his own site. Still, why would they seek him out - he's not even from Maryland. It reads like a big ad.
- Retrofitting cities can make them greener, and bike lanes are a pretty cheap way to do that.
- Cyclist in Utah hit by car, then hit and killed by train.
The 'do-over' may make easier to win court battles over the waterfront plan, but it's not going to make them go away. The opposition are the nimbyest of the nimbys and have a surplus of time and money compared to most city residents.
I'm also still hella skeptical that there will be any positive effect on the MVT through town when all is said and done. And frankly, it needs the *least* attention of any bike infrastructure in the Port City.
Posted by: Kolohe | February 18, 2013 at 08:02 PM