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When did Ann Coulter start working for the Onion? That was too funny.

I have been surprised lately by the number of vehicles backing into cross walks after a light change. Maybe drivers are concerned about blocking cross-traffic (unlikely) or maybe they are avoiding a camera-ticket? Either way, I feel for Sadie because you don't expect vehicles to move in reverse.

@unclejed I've seen it a lot, too. Or people just treating the far end of the crosswalk as the stop line, instead of using, oh I don't know, the STOP LINE as a stop line.

I just navigate around them as carefullyas I can and give them a stink eye if they're looking and occasionally a finger if it's well deserved.

Yesterday near on the Mall (Jefferson and 15th) on the evening commute, I saw a cyclist do what I've so often wanted to do, give a good open hand smack to a the trunk lid of a guy's fancy Beamer that had stopped smack dab blocking the crosspark, er, crosswalk. Driver rolled window down, "pleasantries" were exchanged, and everyone moved along. Ballsy move on the part of the cyclist... something I've only ever dreamed of doing. DB in the BMW got what he deserved, though.

Thanks for the warning. I am happy to be one less mouseclick in Ann's "everyone look at me cuz I'm being shocking again!" business plan.

"I don't know why...." is the most honest thing I have heard Ann Coulter say. Some self awareness of her ignorance! Normally, watching her is like I wired up Barbie to replay Hitler's speeches.

I seriously think that Coulter is a performance artist who says things to get a rise. She is very good at it, and always has a smile on her face when she says it, like "I saying the most outrageous things and you believe I'm serious."

I feel like when Coulter first hit the scene as a legal scholar (yeah, I know) during the whole Clinton-Jones-Lewinsky thing, she was reasonable and measured. I even agreed with her. But then it was like she changed into this character - like watching Homer Simpson get dumber in season 3 - and she never looked back.

I don't think she believes most of the things she says. Ann Coulter the conservative windbag is a character that Ann Hart Coulter invented to make money and push the conservative agenda (like Stephen Colbert is a character). She even changed the character's age to be younger than the actress'.

Although there is frequently anti-bike rhetoric coming out of Richmond, I've been (mostly) pleasantly surprised about recent and announced VDOT projects. Most of them seem to include bike infrastructure: Washington Blvd. bridge over Rte. 110, Washington Blvd. bridge over Columbia Pike, Rte. 50/10th St./Courthouse Rd. area.

I don't care so much if politicians cater to their bike-hating constituents with occasional soundbites but then let VDOT and local jurisdictions plan projects on a more rational basis.

I seriously think that Coulter is a performance artist who says things to get a rise. She is very good at it, and always has a smile on her face when she says it, like "I saying the most outrageous things and you believe I'm serious."

Kind of like Antonin Scalia.

Washcycle: when people think we are bunch of 20 something childless hipsters, we can always note your Roy Scheider reference. He was definitely one of the bigger names in the 80s and 90s. Where is he now?. Now you back it up with comments about Coulter during the Lewinsky trial, before most hipsters knew what a stained blue dress really meant.

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