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Last year the RTAC allocated about $50,000 of DC's Rec Trails funds for the purchase of a ToolKat 5600, a machine to be used for mowing. sweeping, and pruning along all of the trails in Washington, DC

I wonder if trail maintenance extends to plowing the occasional snowfall?

The NPS has been very good about plowing snow on their DC section of the trail, and hopefully that practive will continue under this proposed agreement with DCDOT.

But the section of the CCT in Montgomery County is not plowed. We need to ping on the Mont. Co. Parks Department to get action there.

Just because the CCT is considered for a repave doesnt mean it will happen...come on people -- it's not like we live in a meaningful democracy...

Anyone know when Rock Creek's path will get repaved? That thing is nearly as bad as an unpaved path for large parts of it.

The NPS has been very good about plowing snow on their DC section of the trail, and hopefully that practive will continue under this proposed agreement with DCDOT.

But the section of the CCT in Montgomery County is not plowed. We need to ping on the Mont. Co. Parks Department to get action there.

It's no coincidence that the part of the trail that is plowed is maintained by a Department of Transportation, and the part that isn't by a Parks Department.

What we really need is for Montgomery County to start viewing bicycles as transportation.

@contrarian - "It's no coincidence that the part of the trail that is plowed is maintained by a Department of Transportation, and the part that isn't by a Parks Department."

I must be contrary to contrarian - the NPS has been plowing the section in DC, and NPS is National Park Service. So a Parks agency can plow trails.

But I won't argue the point that Montgomery County needs to start viewing bicycles as transportation.

Plans and specifications will be developed by the NPS Denver Service Center to resurface the trail which has not been touched since it was completed in the mid-1990s.

Hah! In Virginia we haven't repaved the fairfax county parkway trail or other major paths since the 80s. Though we do sometimes just close them for years at a time.

I think the 15th St cycletrack or the Rock Creek Park trail would be far better candidates for repaving.

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