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Last night around 10 or so two men tried to mug me at gunpoint on the Custis just before Glebe Road/footbridge over the I-66 westbound offramp. As I topped the last of the two hills, I saw one walking slowly towards me on the far left side, then saw the other on the edge of the path on the right. The one on the left pulled a semiauto handgun. I accelerated as hard as I could, rammed them, stayed upright and fled. Called 911 ASAP. They also mugged another guy. He stopped, they put the gun in his mouth and beat him, broke his collarbone. The police took his report from the hospital.

Be careful out there.

I believe it was 8 of the 54 planned stations that went in. And it looks like they're finally back on the DC installation trail today, with 19 docks at 6th and Indiana up and running (a station that, IIRC, was in the original 2010 map of planned stations).

And no parking signs show at least one more on the schedule for today, at 5th and Massachusetts NW.

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