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Re: Play DC --

The Palisades Recreation Center abuts the C&O Canal National Park as well as the Glen Echo trolley ROW. But there is no access at all to the C&0 (or the Capital Crescent Trail, which is part of the park and runs nearby) and only rudimentary access to the trolley ROW. The park is currently being renovated as part of Play DC. I tried to get them to consider improved pedestrian/bike access but was not successful.

Mary Cheh said that she has secured $9 million for FY 2014 to build a new rec center at Palisades. I have raised with her office the possibility of creating pedestrian/bicycle access to the C&O as part of that project.

If you use the CCT for transportation, there really isn't a good spot between Bethesda and Georgetown to get on or off. A connection at the Palisades Rec Center could tie the trail to the rest of the transportation network in that neighborhood.

I have raised the issue with people in the Palisades neighborhood and have yet to hear objections. The big issue is that part of any connection would be on the land of the C&O Canal Park and they are very strapped for resources.

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