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Cabi needs less expansion out, and more infill in. Georgetown and logan circle anyone? And look at the congress area, its a desert.

re Citibike expanding unprofitably: i doubt there's anything preventing the City, state, transit agency, private developers, housing authority, or any other entity from subsidizing Alta to bring service somewhere where they wouldn't otherwise go because they didn't think they could profitably.

[though they might then make a subset of their employees subject to those nettlesome Service Contract Act wages]

CaBi would love to put stations near the Capitol, but security concerns means they can't bring their vans in to service those stations. It would all have to be done by bike. And there are concerns about where on AOC land they can even do it. If you want CaBi near Congress, write your Congress member.

Does every station need rebalancing? Congress isnt at the top or bottom of a hill where it would be a constant issues. 25 dock station and done.

I don't think it's just about rebalancing.

Its not just congress though, its the entire area.

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