Transportation Alternatives is the consolidated program in the latest federal transportation law, MAP-21, that funds expanded travel choices like bicycling and walking, or that make other enhancements like mitigating the environmental impacts of transportation facilities. The Transportation Planning Board (TPB) is the entity tasked with allotting this money in the DC Region. Last month they made their selections. Of the 15 projects selected a few will aid cyclists
- In the District of Columbia, the National Park Service will use Transportation Alternatives funds to widen and repave the bicycle and pedestrian trail that connects the 14th Street Bridge with East Basin Drive in front of the Jefferson Memorial. The park service will also install safety rails and add new signage to help tourists and commuters find their way to key destinations. The project will add safety enhancements, increase the width of crosswalk ramps, relocate utilities and signage from within the trail alignment.
- The City of Takoma Park, in Maryland, will receive funding to widen sidewalks, add bike lanes, and install new pedestrian lighting along MD 410 near the intersection with New Hampshire Avenue.
- Improvements to the Mount Vernon Trail at Theodore Roosevelt Island Trailhead. Realign and widen the northern terminus of the Mount Vernon Trail, resurface the trailhead parking lot; separate the trail from the parking lot with a grade separation; and install bike racks, directional and interpretive signage, and water fountains. The goal of the project is to improve trail user safety through improvements to the Mount Vernon Trail trailhead, which is the convergence of several significant regional trails.
- Fairfax County will receive funding to install bike stations and operating hardware to support the expansion of Capital Bikeshare to Reston, which the County hopes will give people more options for accessing Metrorail stations along the planned Silver Line.
- Fairfax Mason to Metro Bicycle Route. Develop a backbone bicycle route through the City and into Fairfax County to connect George Mason University with the Vienna Metrorail Station. The project aims to increase and improve bicycle and pedestrian travel between major hubs of activity in the City of Fairfax, Fairfax County, and George Mason University.
- Pickett Road Trail Underpass. Install a 12 foot wide concrete trail under the existing Pickett Road bridge over Accotink Creek, and construct asphalt trail segments to connect the underpass to the existing City of Fairfax trail system. Install two culverts to convey existing storm drainage outfalls under the proposed trail, and install wayfinding signage.
- Cross County Trail - Lorton. The proposed section of the Cross County Trail in Lorton will traverse the Lorton Arts Foundation property and connect Occoquan Regional Park and the Laurel Hill Greenway
- Town of Haymarket Route 55 Washington Street Enhancement Project. The project will provide 5-foot on-street bike lanes and 5-foot brick sidewalks on each side of the road. The project extends the bike lanes and brick sidewalks that are already available in the center of Town out toward the housing developments on the east side of the Town.
not a single project listed here is worth a fucking damn...
do any of the people who advocate for or design for bikes ACTUALLY ride bikes significant distances?...
Posted by: delete | August 21, 2013 at 12:19 AM
The problems at MVT and TR island have been discussed at length, and this could be a very worthwhile improvement. As could improvements to the heavily used connection by the Jeff Mem. The Pickett Rd Underpass used to exist, but was in decaying condition and was closed. Its more of a recreational route, connecting to the Cross County Trail. I don't see much online about the Mason to Metro route, but that is an area where modest investment could link some important destinations, and it also can add connectivity to existing trails (making it easier to connect to CCT and W&OD)
Not much in here for DC though. Even the DC improvement is more of interest to NoVans (plus people coming off the Crescent, I guess)
Posted by: ACyclistInTheSuburbs | August 21, 2013 at 09:21 AM
My favorite (biased by my route) was the 14th St Bridge project because "
it will...increase the width of crosswalk ramps, RELOCATE UTILITIES..." I really hope that they mean they remove that annoying pole right at the trail meeting the bridge (northbound side). The wider paths are also nicer too given how it's really a one person per entry onto that crosswalk. But just moving that one utility pole would make me much happier.
Posted by: T | August 21, 2013 at 11:33 AM
That pole has got to go. I once showed Jim Sebastian a streetview photo of that at a BAC meeting and he immediately fired off some emails about it. So DDOT is aware and concerned.
Posted by: washcycle | August 21, 2013 at 11:41 AM
I am very excited about the GMU to Metro route and the underpass to Pickett. WOOT! I also am looking forward to the improvements on the Mt Vernon trail and 14th street bridge.
Posted by: Amber | August 21, 2013 at 12:47 PM
This funding source is very tricky to use, especially in DC. The local TA money can only go to local jurisdictions and not state DOTs. It was intended to give local cities, counties, etc. access to federal funding especially with regards to bike/ped projects. The issue has been many localities didn't know this funding stream was coming and therefore didn't have projects ready to go (the money is only design and construction, not planning or environmental assessments).
In MD & VA, there are plenty of localities eligible. Whereas in DC, DDOT can't use the money because it acts as both the state and city level DOT. Hence the reason NPS applied for funding. The 14th St Bridge project with widen and repave the path, move the Interstate sign and realign the crosswalk. It will get done and be much improved.
Posted by: Greg Billing | August 22, 2013 at 12:43 AM
I'm glad the 14th Street Bridge is starting to get some recognition as a major cycling thoroughfare. The Pole of Doom near the outbound entrance is just one of the many obstacles. Wider entrances to both the bridge and the road near the Memorial are definitely needed here.
Posted by: aaa | August 22, 2013 at 10:06 AM
Any idea on the timeline for the 14th St. Bridge/East Basin Drive project? Are there issues with adding asphalt in cold weather? If not, then perhaps they could do the work in late fall/early winter or very early spring, when there are fewer cyclists on the trails.
Posted by: Michael H. | August 22, 2013 at 02:28 PM