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On one hand: woohoo!
OTOH: starting a bike sharing on MoCo program after the kids go back to school, and we all go into winter, doesnt sound like the best way to encourage usage.

Alexandria's started in Sept (w/ a soft launch during labor day weekend) and it seemed to work out. (though we had a mild winter last year)

Capital Bikeshare also started in September. Four-year anniversary coming up on September 21.

OK, good points. Go MoCo!!!
I am so used to bike programs that are set up to fail.

Still not quite sure what the logical connections in MoCo are, other than Bethesda and Chevy Chase w/each other and DC and Silver Spring and Takoma Park w/DC.

...and maybe east Red Line to west Red Line? Is this the interim Purple Line?

Shady Grove Metro to Shady Grove Life Sciences area.

Didn't CaBi start in Sept. 2010? That would make next month the 3rd anniversary.

With the planned shut down of the Red Line, they need to get CaBi at Medical Ctr, Bethesda and Friendship Hts STAT!

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