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seems to have gone up to .3 in FFX from .2 in 2009-2011 (couldn't figure out how to easily get 2011 alone)

Anecdotally, I see more and more people on the CCT and RCP trail, more people on the street, and the bike cage at work has run out of rack space.

I've converted a few people in my office, mostly by example. They see how much thinner and healthier I've become cycle commuting, so they want in.

With great results for them, I might add.

I don't see where Arlington's 2012 bicycle mode share was 1.8%. Here's the ACS bicycle mode shares for Arlington County, Virginia that I've found:

2012: 1.2%
2011: 1.3%
2010: 1.4%
2009: 0.9%
2008: 1.1%
2007: 1.0%
2006: 0.6%
2005: 1.0%

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