In no particular order. First three are from here.
1. Bikes on Anacostia streetcars - The modern streetcar’s interior layout is designed to allow bicycles to be brought on board using wide passenger doors that are level with the station platforms.
2. Connections between South Capitol Street Project and the Suitland Parkway Trail - Project staff members continue to work with other DDOT bicycle and pedestrian staff to address trail connectivity concerns through the two phases of the South Capitol Street Corridor Project and other AWI Projects as well.
3.The South Capitol Street Trail - Preliminary design project design work has been underway since Spring 2013 and is anticipated to be completed later this Spring 2014. Dependent upon funding being identified to complete the project design and build the trail, construction is scheduled to begin in Spring 2015 and will last about 20 months. The South Capitol Street Trail Project team has met with WABA over the past year to seek input and provide updates on this project.
4. The Oxon Run Trail - The new 4 mile trail will replace the old trail and will have a wider surface for pedestrians and bicyclists. The trail will feature new lighting and landscaping features, such as, bike racks, benches, trash receptacles and picnic tables. Preliminary Design is underway and is expected to be completed in Fall 2014. Final Design completion is Winter 2014
5. Southern Avenue & bridge over Winkle Doodle Branch - Only the conceptual design is done, but I like the look of the redesigned Southern Ave. Check out the bike lanes.