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This is bad news, but most of the Purple Line/CCT plan is unchanged.
This CSX isssue impacts only about 1600' of the planned CCT alignment between Bethesda and Silver Spring. The 3+ mile section from Bethesda to Talbot Ave. is in the Georgetown Branch r.o.w. and is not affected. There is county owned r.o.w. on Third and Fourth Avenues that will be used for about 2/3 of the CCT "final mile" down the east side of the CSX corridor into downtown Silver Spring. A "bypass" of CSX may only be needed at Park Sutton.

It's unfortunate. That stretch of 16th feels like a highway, and perception is a lot in trail use. Some kind of physical barrier may be advisable there.

Your point about grade changes is well taken. There may be a silver lining here.

Perhaps they can make 16th St more like part of the actual neighborhood, instead of an extension of 495

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