A ribbon cutting will take place on Earth Day, April 22, 11 AM near Evans Creek Rd. trailhead in Brodnax, VA, to celebrate ten new miles of The Tobacco Heritage Trail in Virginia. Following the ribbon cutting will be a reception in Lawrenceville at Elm Acres (Brunswick Stew will be served!). The festivities will conclude with the opportunity for walkers, runners, cyclists and equestrians to tour the new trail at 2 PM. For more information or to RSVP, contact Trail Coordinator Heather Susee at [email protected] or(434) 447-7101.
The completed section is the yellow line that connects the two completed (blue) lines in this map
Thx for this, which I didn't know about. We used to drive through Brodnax every summer when I was a kid growing up in Virginia Beach. I might check it out, but it is quite a haul from here.
VA seems to be doing well with the rail trails. The High Bridge trail near Farmville is good, and I really like the Virginia Blue Ridge Trail along the Piney and Tye rivers, although it is too short.
With the World Cycling Championships coming to Richmond in 2015, and the potential 3-foot passing law, things are looking up a bit for cycling a bit south of DC.
Posted by: DE | March 27, 2014 at 08:44 AM
The Virginia Creeper Trail is very nice as well.
Posted by: Purple Eagle | March 27, 2014 at 08:57 AM