DCist has a copy of the letter that NPS sent to Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton on the status of the Rock Creek Park Trail project.
In it they state that right now they're waiting on the Federal Highway Administration to approve the Environmental Assessment. Now, why the FHWA has to approve the EA for a trail in a National Park is above my paygrade, but there you have it. When they might approve it is unknown - the "near future" they said - but "Construction could begin on the project as early as Fiscal Year 2015."
There is a lot more at DCist for those looking for more history on this issue.
Come talk about Rock Creek Park trails at two public meetings Saturday June 21st and June 28th by the Rock Creek Conservancy. Mount Pleasant Library the 21st. Chevy Chase Library (DC) the 28th, both 9:30 to 12:30 open house discussion format.
Posted by: Claudia Schechter | June 17, 2014 at 10:31 AM