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The plan recommends changing the lane widths on New Jersey Avenue between N Street NW and Florida Avenue NW to allow for a 13.5 foot wide right-hand lane. Thw lane would be a shared travel lane (sharrows) for cyclists and drivers, and it would connect to planned bike lanes on New Jersey Avenue between H Street NW and N Street NW.

Why is the lane with sharrows wider than normal? Doesn't this encourage motorists to pass cyclists without changing lanes?

In the discussion yesterday I learned that sharrows grant the cyclist the full use of the lane. And, under DC regulations, motorists are then required to switch to another lane when passing cyclists.

So isn't making a sharrowed lane wider than normal sending a contradictory message to both motorists and cyclists?

I worked on this plan, so I think I can answer JeffB's question. New Jersey has off-peak parking, somewhat like the section of Massachusetts Ave between Union Station and Stanton Park, or between Dupont and Scott Circles. So if it's a normal sized 10 foot lane, when there are cars parked there during off-peak time, the cyclist is very much in the door zone. of that lane. By making the full time travel lane narrow, and the curb lane wide, the cyclist has a de facto bike lane during off-peak, and has a wide shared lane during rush hour.

Also, the guidance on sharrows says they should be used on narrow 10 - 11 foot lanes, and wider 13 - 16 foot lanes, but in between, at 11 - 13 feet, a driver might be tempted to pass but not actually have enough room to do so in the lane. We didn't change the curb to curb dimensions or the parking restrictions, so this solution makes the most out of the roadway given its features and limitations.

Is DC an oddball in this respect? In neighboring jurisdictions the sharrows don't actually grant any additional rights (the cyclist could already use the full lane). And I thought the law was 3 feet to pass in DC, not necessarily changing lanes.

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