The Sustainable DC Plan that Mayor Gray initiated back in 2011 to make the District into the healthiest, greenest, most livable city in the nation over the next 20 years has had several byproducts such as the Sustainable DC omnibus legislation that requires large employers to offer transit benefits to their employees (which could include bike benefits).
Another piece to spin out of the plan is the Sustainable DC Mayor's Order,
The Mayor’s Order established 10 interagency Task Forces, each focused on a distinct area of sustainability, such as Green Affordable Housing, Green Jobs, Healthy Food Access, or Building Energy Performance. Each Task Force was asked to develop proposed actions and map out the potential regulatory, legislative, and cost implications of those actions, and to recommend for further consideration or implementation those that passed muster.
Those Task Forces have completed their work and their final reports are now available. The bike relevant recommendations are that:
The DPR and DGS align capital and operating budget requests for bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure with Move DC and DDOT’s trail and bicycle infrastructure development schedule. Parks near new trails and bike lanes should receive trail connections and infrastructure such as bike racks.
Affordable housing site design requirements should include visible, easily accessible secured bicycle parking or onsite bike share facilities to encourage more bike use
And of course, the Plan itself recommended expanding bikeshare in DC by another 200 stations, expanding the formal trail network and creating a 100 mile bike lane network.
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