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The case for more bicycle lanes recently received an unintended boost from an unlikely source: the anti-bike, anti-transit magazine The Weekly Standard. In its "Scrapbook" column, TWS complains that "even though less than 5 percent of [D.C.] area residents bicycle to work, there are now 69 miles of city bike lanes, with more on the way." ("The Road Not Taken," Feb 9, 2015). Since there are about 1100 total miles of roadway in D.C., the 69 miles of bikes lanes cited by TWS is a fairly proportional share devoted to bike lanes (about 6 percent). Moreover, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, about seven percent of bike trips are used for commuting, with the rest used for recreation, shopping, meals, school, etc. (which motorists also do). Therefore, the commuting statistics cited by TWS greatly understate the percentage of cyclists using D.C. streets compared to motorists, since bike commuting represents a relatively small portion of total bicycle use. If anything, TWS had made a good case for more bike lanes in D.C. Thank you!

This graph makes me happy

John A, making it worse is that only 50% of DC residents (or something like it) drive to work. So, by their logic, the other 45% of road space should be turned over to transit use and sidewalks. [It gets even more flawed because a lot of people take Metro which doesn't require road space, nor do telecommuters. The whole idea that lane miles should be in proportion to commute share is ridiculous, but I'm happy to hoist them upon their own petard.]

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