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Uh, that's a cello. Still big and unwieldy, though.

I don't understand your comment. Clearly that is a cello ( or possibly a bass violin.) this is not a picture of the girl with the drum. That was just another example but I don't have a picture of that.

Because your text (and its placement) make it seems like this is the picture you took a few weeks ago

For what it's worth, I didn't have any trouble understanding the text.

But it most definitely is not a bass violin, which is much much bigger than a cello.

Many cello cases can be worn like backpacks, so this isn't as awkward as it looks.

Methinks it is like a weasel.

It's a giant middle finger to cars.

That's his/her spinal protection for drivers who drive in the bike lane.

Cello cases can also be used as a means of transportation, as demonstrated by a Mr. Bond:


I could carry two of those on my Big Dummy,jus sayin'. ;-)

Well, I'm pretty sure that Mr. Bond has negated his warranty.

Ha! Speaking of Bond,didn't Connery once trash a Q motorcycle,then use a 10spd to slip away from the cops unnoticed?

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