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We're talking seriously about a cycletrack from Brookland where the MBT ends, to Takoma and the Anacostia trail system. That's great news!
Thanks for the great summary and graphics.

Excellent job as always informing the bicycle community on this critical link between downtown DC and Silver Spring. Is there any indication of funding/timing of the construction of this section? I am sure we are talking about several years at least but the plans look great. Can't imagine drivers people will be too happy about Blair Road going on a road diet. Its a main road in this part of the District.

important to note, not shown on the plan, is that we'll be trying to get a signal at 1st St NE to make crossing Riggs less awful

The proposed schedule:
2015 - Preliminary Design;
2016 - Final Design;
2017 - Construction.

Funding is reportedly in place.

Is there any chance of building a spur to Petworth? It's so close, but a somewhat treacherous ride to the MBT.

Spur, if you look at the MoveDC plan, that's about the most optimistic vision of the future out there. It shows cycletracks on Riggs/Missouri and on New Hampshire that could be considered a connection from Petworth to the MBT. Or bike lanes on Upshur and Taylor.


The Post is reporting four knife-point holdups along the trail on Sunday. The sooner the current trail has a lot more traffic on it, the better, and these improvements will help that.


@Washcycle, why isn't the Monroe St underpass included? Doesn't DDOT plan to replace the entire bridge in the next five years?


I don't recall the exact reason, but it was an issue of cost and land ownership last I heard. The Arts facility has since been built on the land that DC would have needed.

This plan also doesn't include the bridge over Piney Branch, which was still being considered in the 2010 EA .

Piney Branch is small and can easily be bunny-hopped.

Also, unfortunately, there's no solution proposed around the Takoma Metro station.

Any word on whether PG County will complete their portion of the connector trail?

Great update on the progress of the MBT. Rode it 2 weeks ago with my wife and it was awful riding around the Ft Totten area, so very happy to see that will get better.

But as Seth noted MBT (DDOT) hasn't updated their website from when the trail turns left onto Aspen St. to the existing connection near Piney Branch Rd.

It's so obvious that the trail could be completely separated from traffic if DDOT just got the guts to remove the little-used parking on Maple St, Carroll St, and then Eastern Ave up to Piney Branch Rd.

Sure some apt dwellers there will complain, but it's kind of ridiculous to have this parking anyway so close to Takoma station.

I hope Washcycle and WABA will advocate to remove this parking and continue the separated trail from Blair Rd to Piney Branch Rd.

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