The Delaware DOT and Department of Recreation announced that construction of the final leg of the Michael N Castle Trail would begin this month.
Construction is expected to take 75 days, and when it's completed, the trail will span 16 miles between Delaware City, Delaware and Chesapeake City, Maryland
This final leg of this trail, which follows the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. is from the Maryland-Delaware line to Guthrie Run (wherever that is). This trail is more than a little bit outside of my Wampa* coverage area, but perhaps it will make a nice day trip.
*Washington, Alexandria, Montgomery, PG, Arlington
I've never biked up there, but Chesapeake City is quite beautiful. As for a day trip, that's a hike as Chesapeake City is east of the canal (eg, further than taking 95 all the way to DE/MD border). It's too bad US 40 doesn't have real biking infrastructure.
Posted by: T | March 13, 2015 at 01:21 PM