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It won't be hard for 2015 to exceed 2014, when there was torrential rainfall on BTWD. I guess 2013 is the current record holder?

No convoys in Alexandria?!

I think they're still adding convoys. I'll probably volunteer to co-lead one from OT or Kingstowne if they want. I plan on either taking the day off or doing a half day at work anyway.

Last year was funny. I wish I had the time then to stick around as I would have certainly won some prizes at the Old Town stop and likely at others. There were like 6 of us there at 7:30am. And my ride from 14th St bridge clear up past the National Cathedral, I didn't see another soul. (I was soaked to the bone too--joy, joy).

A waterproof softshell does wonders--when it's still chilly out. If it's warm, you get soaked anyway, but with sweat.

I must have been lucky last year and hit a lull in the storm. 6:30-ish in Rosslyn and it was raining, but nothing to write the newspapers about. It was the first time I had ever stopped by the booths, probably because there weren't that many people about and I felt for the folks working them. But I pledge to stop by again this year, hordes or no.

If memory serves, I wore my waterproof hardshell, by Honda. Arrived with all my creases nice and sharp.

I may have to break my streak of cantankerously avoiding BTWD.

Remain true to yourself, crickey. Even though I've biked every day for years, I only signed up for the first time last year due to co-worker pressure. It's too late for me, but you can avoid my mistake and stay the iconoclast.

Crickey,I'm retired,but who can say no to a T-shirt and other free crap? Plus bagels and bananas.

I'm off the pastries, but who can say no to free coffee, green bananas, and the occasional "bidon"? Plus, there's always the excitement of finding out the color of this year's t-shirt! I can hardly wait!

Tradition for me is to ride in wearing last years T-Shirt and ride home wearing the new one.

It's the principle of being contrary for no particularly good reason.

There's an advocacy angle to this in that WABA (and the media) reports the number of people who sign up all year long. They use it to show how many people are bike commuting and how it is growing. Numbers matter to politicians. And showing up helps too, since politicians show up and look at the crowd. Again, numbers matter to politicians (a.k.a. Decision makers). It's about the easiest advocacy one can do. No one should lie, but if you plan to bike commute that day, go ahead and sign up. You might win a bike too.

Can't I just bore my coworkers with tales of bike commuting instead?

Okay, fine. I'll do it.

Atta boy! Let go of all that individuality and join the movement. We're all happy here.

Will there be pie?

I attended last year's boat to work day, but most of the stations were closed. :(

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